Impressions 19
Impressions 22/23
Impressions 24/25
Issues 19-24 1978-1980 Lorne Fromer, co-editor
In the spring of 1978 Isaac Applebaum, then-editor, invited Rodney Werden and myself (Lorne Fromer) to brainstorm a way out of escalating printing costs facing Impressions Magazine.
Unable to match the quality of some of the fine monographs that IMPRESSIONS had published in the past, a new configuration of people, budgets and technology began driving the publication towards a new concept for a magazine. Oversized and printed on newsprint, Impressions made up for quality reproduction with size and grit. Only the cover retained the fine sheet-fed quality of previous Impressions monographs.
Photo-based became the editorial operative. From interviews and found art, photo documents of performances, a photo fumeti, to scripts, letters, snapshots, post cards--- they all made it to the pages of Impressions.
Impressions was never about - Impressions was - first generation, in your face raw, gritty, and large. 11” x 15” large. In 6 issues Impressions went from the coffee table to the bathroom library, and to our delight we discovered there were a lot of readers there.
In 1983 Impressions morphed into C magazine, one of Canada’s leading art periodicals.